Global Regions
Intex is widely regarded as a global standard for cashflow analytics for the securitization market. Intex's extensive deal model library contains nearly every public and numerous privately issued structured finance transactions from around the world. Each model contains the relevant cashflow characteristics of the deal, thereby enabling our users to apply their own prepayment, default, delinquency, and interest rate assumptions for rigorous stress-testing and cashflow analysis.
North America
Our original region of focus, Intex's deal coverage in North America is nearly 100% of the RMBS, ABS, CMBS, CDO and CLN universe. Our RMBS database includes residential CMOs (both agency and private label), while our ABS database covers subprime mortgages, manufactured housing and other consumer types such as auto, credit card, student loan and equipment. CMBS deals are modeled and available quickly after both the introductory "red" and final "black" prospectuses are issued, sometimes even sooner. Our CDO database includes cashflow and synthetic CLOs, asset-backed CDOs, CDOs-squared, CRE CDOs, trust-preferred CDOs and other types.
Intex has been supporting the fast growing and strategically important European securitization market for many years. Intex now models a comprehensive collection of European RMBS, ABS, CMBS, CLO, CDO and CLN deals. Every Intex model reflects the waterfall characteristics of the deal for rigorous and accurate cashflow stress-testing. Prime and non-conforming RMBS deals from the UK, Spanish SME CLOs and Dutch RMBS transactions are among the types of deals which are covered. Best available information is used to model and update deals, which Intex obtains directly from the various arrangers and issuers. Intex's models reflect the distinct characteristics of European transactions including liquidity facilities, reserve accounts, interest rate and currency hedges and complex collateral coupon and amortization features. To help serve our many European clients better, Intex has opened a London office and offers expanded support hours to our Europe-based clients.
Australia / New Zealand
Intex models nearly all RMBS, ABS, CMBS and CLN deals issued in Australia and New Zealand. These deals utilize the best available information, including loan level data when available, and incorporate structuring features unique to these markets.
China / Japan / other Asia
Intex models a growing number of RMBS, ABS and CMBS deals from China, Japan and other Asian countries including Singapore, Korea and elsewhere in the region. These deals utilize the best available information, and incorporate structuring features unique to these markets. Intex continues to rapidly expand its coverage for deals issued in Asia, and has support offices in Shanghai and Tokyo to support our clients in this region.
Emerging (Latin America, Africa, etc.)
As other regions have begun to emerge in the global securitization market, Intex has expanded to meet the demand. Today, Intex has modeled a variety of deals issued in Russia, Latin America and South Africa, and we are prepared to expand our coverage as the market and our clients' needs dictate.